The Big Carrot Privacy Policy

Commitment to Privacy

We have adopted this policy out of respect for the privacy of our customers, shareholders, and staff persons and because some of the information we collect, use, disclose and retain is personal in nature and governed by the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

We are responsible for the protection of personal information we collect in our dealings internally and with third parties. We are committed to being transparent and accountable in how we handle the personal information you choose to share with us. This policy is intended to identify the classes of personal information we collect, its handling and use.

What is Personal Information?

Personal information is information about an identifiable individual including name, address, financial information, email addresses, and other information collected electronically through our web site. It does not include the name, title or business address or telephone number of an employee or an organization

What Personal Information does The Big Carrot Collect?

We limit our collection and use of personal information as much as possible to deliver high quality services and products to our customers, and to manage the organization effectively. We will only use personal information collected for the purposes for which it was gathered and will only keep it for as long as necessary to fulfill that purpose.

Services that we provide including, for example, our rewards program, contests, job applications, and many other services that we may offer from time to time, require that you provide certain personal information as described in this Policy. The requested information may include your name, address, email address, telephone number, gender, age, credit card number and expiry date, which may be used in the delivery of services, processing of payment, identity verification or for marketing purposes. You may always refuse to provide your personal information however, your refusal may prevent us from being able to deliver our services to you.

Our website uses Cookies. A “Cookie” is a string of information stored by the website on your computer and which your browser provides back to the website. Cookies are used to identify you to enter it each time you visit us online. You can always disable Cookies on your browser if you do not wish to have them placed on your computer. Doing so may reduce the personalization and functionality of the website.

For our customer rewards program, should you choose to enroll, we will be collecting your name, email address, telephone number, and address. Any personal information that you provide us with in connection with our rewards program will be treated in accordance with this policy. Under no circumstance will we sell any of your personal information to third parties and We will obtain your consent prior to the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information. We will not share information outside of the organization without your consent, except as set out in the policy. In addition, if we intend to use your information in a way we did not tell you about previously, we will obtain your consent at that time.

There are some exceptions where we may collect, use or disclose your information without consent including where we use outside suppliers to do work for us, where we are required or permitted to do so by law, and where we have to protect our interests. Examples of outside suppliers with whom we share your information include email marketing provider MailChimp to deliver our newsletter and credit card processing entities to process payment.

At your request, we will delete your account. We will not retain any paper copies of your accounts or any personal information you provide us with. When your information is no longer required, we securely destroy it or convert it to an anonymous form. For legal reasons, we may keep information beyond the end of your relationship with us.

You have the right to request access to verify, rectify or update your personal information. This request may be denied in limited circumstances such as where disclosure is prohibited by law. Depending on the nature of the request, we may ask you to put it in writing.

Giving/Withdrawing Consent

There are many ways in which we may obtain your consent for the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information. We may obtain your consent in writing, verbally or through electronic means. Additionally, where permitted by law, your consent in writing, verbally or through electronic means. Additionally, where permitted by law, your consent may be implied through your actions, such as by your continued use of a product or service after notification of some change.

Subject to any legal or contractual requirements, you may withdraw your consent at any time.

When you change or withdraw your consent, we will do our best to make sure that our files are updated as quickly as possible. It may take some time for our records to reflect your changes as many records can only be changed during regular file updates.

Communications From Us

By subscribing to our newsletter, you consent to receiving periodic communications from us. At any time, you can cancel your subscription to our newsletter. We will work as quickly as possible to disable any further communications.

Safeguarding Personal Information

We take protecting your personal information within and outside the organization seriously. Our procedures include the secure storage of your personal information and limiting the number of people within the organization with access to your personal information. Staff members granted access will be trained on our procedures.

Where your information is transferred to a third party, for the processing of payment for example, we will use appropriate means, contractual or otherwise, to protect it.

Resolving Privacy Concerns

The Big Carrot is committed to treating its customers with the greatest respect and consideration and providing the highest level of service. Even so, from time to time, something may go wrong. Whatever the circumstances, our primary concern is ensuring your concerns are addressed and your problem is resolved.

In most cases, a complaint or concern is resolved simply by talking to us about it. If you have any concerns, you can speak with us by calling customer service at 416-466-2129.

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