Back to School Immune Boosting Supplements

Back to School Immune Boosting Supplements Kids are messy. I worked at a daycare for a period of time and I can testify that kids will use anything to wipe their nose: a desk, a colouring book, a shirt, someone else’s shirt. Part of my job was to be a human tissue,...

NHPs are Not Drugs

Health Canada has recently launched the Consulting Canadians on the Regulation of Self-Care Products in Canada document. Previously referred to as the Consumer Health Product Framework, this document has changed dramatically since its original inception, and proposes...

Activated Charcoal for Teeth Whitening

Everyone wants a sparkling white smile, but with the foods we eat and the beverages we drink it can be hard to keep your teeth looking their brightest. There are a lot of natural ways to achieve a whiter smile. Regular brushing, flossing and visits to your dentist all...

Love Your Liver: Living with Hepatitis C

Love Your Liver: Living with Hepatitis C What is Hepatitis C? Hepatitis is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis C virus that attacks the liver. Many people who become infected with hepatitis C never feel sick and recover completely. Others get a brief, acute...

Beat the Sneeze – Natural solutions for your Seasonal Allergies

Beat the Sneeze – Natural solutions for your Seasonal Allergies It all started about 10 years ago with an obnoxiously loud sneeze one early May morning on the TTC. Don’t worry, I pulled the elbow move (no one sneezes in their hands anymore!), but seriously, it...

Symptoms and Remedies – More on Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a complete medical system – meaning that it can provide relief for whatever ails you, from every-day sniffles to severe chronic disease with the help of a professional homeopath. Founded in Germany by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), homeopathy quickly...

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